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SimCity coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch

EA mobileOne of the most innovative and ground breaking games of it’s time is coming to the iPhone and iPod touch. Rumour has it that SimCity should be submitted to the iTunes store tonight, but as of writing this it’s still not up. EA mobile’s Craig Law released 3 screenshots pictured below of the new game. It looks like it’s the SimCity 3000 engine, or very similar and Craig has also posted this on the EA mobile Twitter account

Audience is asking about how different SimCity for iPhone than SimCity for PC. It’s the same!!!

I am a huge SimCity fan and was pretty excited when I saw the screenshots. The only SimCity that I’ve ever been really disappointed with was the Nintendo DS Lite version. I really hope this iPhone / iPod version can hold up to the PC versions. It’s also amazing to think that at one time a game like this could make the average PC chug and now it can run on a device as small as an iPhone. Suffice to say, I am seriously stoked about this release. The iPhone / iPod Touch is becoming a real contender in the hand held gaming arena.

Update December 16th: The official SimCity iPhone / iPod touch website has been launched tonight on EA Mobile. Still no sign of the game yet, but it should be any day now.

Update December 17th: You can now download SimCity for 10 dollars on iTunes. My first impressions are pretty good so far.

SimCity iPhone screen 1

SimCity iPhone screen 2

SimCity iPhone screen 3

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