Ian Hoar – Passion for Technology – Geeking Out - Technology, Web, Toys, Games, Design, Entertainment, Gadgets, & Geeking Out

Adobe has a del.icio.us site, and it’s huge!

For those of you who don’t know, del.icio.us is a great online bookmarking site. Anyone can create an account and save all their bookmarks. Then you can access them anywhere. You can also tag all your bookmarks with key words so you can easily sort through them. Say you want tutorials and you have two hundred links, well if you have been tagging properly you should just be able to click the tutorials tag and see all your tutorial bookmarks. You can also share these bookmarks with anyone you want, here are mine.

Today I came across a link to Adobe’s official del.icio.us site, and wow, it’s huge. At the time of this writing there were over 1100 links and all extremely well organized. What a great idea this is. The next time I run into an Adobe related problem, or just need to research something, this will be my first stop. There are bookmarks for all of their products; everything from Adobe’s design applications to ActionScript can be found here.

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